We organize your Italy tours during Expo2015

Expo Milan 2015: a unique event where all the participating countries will share their know-how and technologies for a common goal: creating energy and food with respect for the planet and for life.
Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life. This is the central theme of Expo 2015.

During this special occasion, Milan, Lombardy and the other Italian regions will propose several artistic and cultural events to entertain, excite and raise Expo visitors’ awareness.

Many years of experience taught us that a universal travel formula does not exist and that the travelers’ needs and expectations are, in their incredible variety, the foundation of the travel. The different ways of being excited and delighted by the places and events in Italy constantly motivate us.

We can’t guess which is the best trip for you.
And we don’t even have the arrogance to do so.

Expo2015.eventoitaliano.it was created to give you the chance to be the real organizer of your trip. With your choices and preferences you will decide the best way to experience Expo Milan 2015.
You will indeed assemble your trip, starting from an idea that you will find in the “Home” and “Proposals” section, or by sending us a new one on “Special Wishes”.
Click on your favourite cluster and get to the heart of your experience by choosing not only the hotels, the entertainment programme and the tickets, but also tours, special visits and other authentic events.

Anyway, if you would need support or if you need to be advised, you will always have Evento Italiano’s experienced staff by your side.

EXPO BOOKING EVENTO ITALIANO by Evento Italiano, your own tool for tours and special events in Italy during the Universal Exposition.

Contact us

Expo Booking Evento Italiano by Evento Italiano S.r.l.
Tours and special events in Italy during of Expo 2015 Milan.
Via Don Emilio Angeli, 1/c - 55012 Capannori (Lucca) - Italy
Web expo.eventoitaliano.it
Email expo2015@eventoitaliano.it
Tel. +39 0583 92 72 08
Fax +39 0583 92 63 03
P.IVA 02145710469


Evento Italiano Headquarter