Expo and School

The Universal Exposition opens from the 1st of May to the 31st of October in Milan. Over 140 countries will gather to expose their ideas on a theme that nowadays is more important than ever: how to create energy and food without destroying the planet and life. For 184 days, the participating countries will share their know-how and technologies on a specific theme: Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life.

Expo Milan 2015 is a cultural journey with high educational characters, a unique occasion suitable for every school level. We can organize routes within the Exposition Site related to the age and the educational paths of students. Teachers and pupils can engage in various topics and interdisciplinary experiences.

Labs, activities, congresses and much more will be unique learning opportunities for schools. Through the Clusters and the Thematic Areas of Expo Milan 2015, you will find out the human techniques evolution, as well as reflect on the importance of biodiversity and international collaborations.

The Universal Exposition is an event that enriches your educational trip. In addition, is a fantastic occasion to visit Milan and the other beautiful Italian regions stepped in history.

The journey is awareness. Organize your educational trip between sustainability, nutrition, tradition, art and history during Expo 2015.


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