Expo Gourmet

Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life. This is the theme of Expo Milan 2015.
From the 1st of May to the 31st of October 2015, food and sustainability will be the protagonists of international dialogue and debate. Over 140 countries will gather in Italy’s economic capital to diffuse their know-how and improve human life conditions without destroying the environment.

Food, one of the most important element of our daily life, will be in the spotlight for 184 days. Healthy food, sufficient food for humanity, agriculture, traditions, wine and food tasting and much more will whet your appetite inside and outside the Expo Milan 2015 Exhibition Site.

The Italian cuisine, well-known in the world for its authenticity and quality, will be the heart of Expo Milan 2015. Several events will take place in Milan and its surroundings during the Exposition.

Expo and Gourmet are closely linked with each other. These two excellencies are a unique occasion for those who love food.
Italy, the country of appetizing flavors, will tickle your palate by offering the most exciting culinary experiences. Food and wine tasting, thematic routes, cooking classes, markets and events will welcome you in this wonderful territory.

Choose your unforgettable food and wine experience in the Italian atmosphere during Expo 2015.


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Send us your request to combine Expo 2015 with Gourmet in Italy by filling in the form below.

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